
This morning as I watched the trees in my yard and across the street, I made an interesting discovery, so interesting I felt I must share it with you!

I noticed that the branches of the trees within my field of vision were moving rapidly.  This movement was not confined to one type of tree, but was common to the evergreen pines and junipers and also to the partially-leafed deciduous trees.

While the tree branches were moving rapidly, I stepped out onto the porch and discovered the wind was blowing.  A strong breeze was coming from the direction of the trees just across the street from my house.

I went back inside and continued watching off and on for the next few minutes.  From time to time the branches on the trees slowed their movement and even stopped briefly.  I stepped out on the porch again and discovered that when the movement of the tree branches slowed or stopped, the wind decreased significantly and at one point even stopped altogether.

I repeated this observation several times and was able to determine that when the tree branches moved rapidly, a strong wind came from the direction of the trees.  When the tree branches slowed or stopped their movement, the wind decreased significantly or even stopped.

Therefore, I have concluded, based entirely on scientific observation and careful reasoning, that wind is caused by the movement of tree branches.

Thanks for reading.  I hope this has been helpful to you.